The Difference Between a Customer and a Client
There is often a lot of confusion about the difference between customers and clients.
🧁 To put it simply, customers are people who buy your product or service once or occasionally.
🧁 Clients, on the other hand, are people who buy from you on a regular basis. In other words, they are repeat customers.
Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, but in general, this is how it works.
So why is it important to know the difference? Because your marketing and sales strategies will be different for each group.
For example, you might offer incentives to encourage customers to become clients. Or you might focus your marketing efforts on building relationships with clients rather than simply trying to make a sale.
Understanding the difference between customers and clients will help you better serve both groups and achieve your business goals.
As a business professional, you need to know how to identify and cultivate relationships with clients. Here are some key ways to tell the difference between customers and clients:
🧁 Customers are interested in price, whereas clients are interested in value.
🧁 Customers compare you to your competitors, whereas clients see you as unique.
🧁 Customers buy products, whereas clients invest in solutions.
🧁 Customers react to your marketing messages, whereas clients connect with your brand.
If you want to build a successful business, it is essential to focus on developing relationships with clients. By understanding the key differences between customers and clients, you can create loyalty among your client base and ensure long-term success.
Speaking of marketing…the registration link for Marketing and Cupcakes™ 9 is now live, first to register gets the seat.
At MAC9 (MACnite) we will be discussing the difference between branding, marketing, advertising, sales and closing. And how knowing the difference can bring you customers, clients and brand ambassadors.

Marketing and Cupcakes™ is sponsored by Stand Out Truck® so it’s no cost to you. However, registration is required to attend. And yes you can bring a friend…they just have to register too.
Text MACNITE to 413-251-6762 for the registration link.